Curious about Acupuncture in Springfield, MO? We’ve got the scoop! Acupuncture is a holistic approach to wellness and healing. Bloom Well Family Wellness is proud to offer acupuncture services to our local community! So, on to the question, can acupuncture help with anxiety?

Acupuncture helps to alleviate pain from injury, everyday stiffness, headaches, anxiety, and more by inserting very fine needles into acupoints on the skin. Experiencing any of these symptoms? Our certified Acupuncturist, Dr. Abigail Emery, can help! Keep reading to learn more about Acupuncture and how it can help to improve your life and keep you on the path to wellness.

All About Acupuncture for Anxiety

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that works by inserting sterile needles into certain points of the body to stimulate the central nervous system. These points are called acupoints and are connected to various systems throughout the body. Clients often report the sensation of relaxation within minutes of needle insertion, showing just how effective this trusted method is.

Acupuncture is a great tool to have in your holistic wellness toolbox. At Bloom Well Family Wellness, we use acupuncture to help to alleviate musculoskeletal pain, emotional distress, digestive issues, gynecological problems, and neurological concerns. We stand behind acupuncture because it helps to address the root cause, rather than covering up the issue.

Getting to the Root Cause of Anxiety

You can call it energy, or you can call it metabolic function. Either way, we know that there are chemical reactions taking place in the body at all times, and acupuncture helps to address any blockages and restore the flow of energy, or, metabolic function. Patients who get regular acupuncture appointments report fewer aches and pains overall, and a decrease in mental health concerns.

When your body is in balance, you feel good. That’s why we recommend a combination of acupuncture, chiropractic care, cranial sacral therapy, massage, a healthy diet, and moderate exercise.

can acupuncture help with anxiety female acupuncture client laying on bloom well family wellness table

Reduced Anxiety with Acupuncture

As we mentioned above, acupuncture benefits can be felt when an acupuncturist inserts a sterile need into certain points on the body to stimulate the central nervous system. In turn, this can reduce anxiety and help to alleviate bodily discomfort.

Acupuncture is a great option for patients who are looking for a holistic approach to managing their anxiety. When we are working through a patient’s anxious feelings, we usually focus on these acupuncture points:

-Yintang (EXHN3), which is found between the eyebrows
-Heart 7 (HT7), located on the crease of the wrist
-Baihui (GV 20), found at the top of the head
-Shenmen (HT7), located on the wrist
-Hegu (LI4), found between the base of the thumb and the index finger

The H7, located on the crease of the wrist, is known as THE point for emotional issues such as anxiety. The Heart 7 and other acupuncture points are part of the Fire Element, which is associated with the heart and small intestine. This is important to know because once you are aware of these acupoints, you can actually start to feel when they are unbalanced, leading to anxiety, disturbed sleep, excessive sweating, and a flushed face.

Mathew Kulas, MA, RAc, an acupuncturist at Henry Ford Health says, “Acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural feel-good hormones and reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol,”

So, what does that mean for our patients? Hopefully, less medication, and more healing!
Remember, your body is POWERFUL and it WANTS to be well. Listen to the signs, do your research, and come visit us for acupuncture services.

At Bloom Well Family Wellness, we care about your health, and we want to see you living your most vibrant life. With a combination of acupuncture, a mindful diet, and mental health care, you can help to reduce your recurring anxiety once and for all. It’s a good day to BE WELL!

Schedule your acupuncture appointment today and start healing!

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